Playing A Wizard in D&D 5e - Choose Your Own Actions With Elara the Wizard! A Beginner's First Scenario of D&D Combat

Playing A Wizard in D&D 5e - Choose Your Own Actions With Elara the Wizard! A Beginner's First Scenario of D&D Combat

Choose Your Own Actions With Elara the Wizard!

Welcome to the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons! Wizards are powerful spellcasters with a vast array of spells at their disposal. However, combat as a wizard requires careful planning and strategy, as wizards are typically more fragile than their martial counterparts. In this choose-your-own-adventure story, you'll guide a level 1 wizard named Elara through a combat encounter with a group of tiny, scaly draconic creatures called Kobolds. This scenario will introduce you to the basics of spellcasting, managing your resources, and making tactical decisions in battle. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Meet Elara, the Level 1 Wizard

Before we begin, here are Elara's basic stats, spells, and equipment:

  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)
  • Dexterity: 14 (+2)
  • Constitution: 12 (+1)
  • Strength: 8 (-1)
  • Wisdom: 10 (+0)
  • Charisma: 10 (+0)
  • Armor Class (AC): 12 (Mage Armor: 15)
  • Hit Points (HP): 7
  • Weapons: Quarterstaff (1d6-1 bludgeoning damage)
  • Spells Prepared:
    • Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
    • Level 1 Spells: Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Armor

The Scenario: Ambushed by Kobolds

Elara and her party are exploring a dark cave when they are ambushed by a group of kobolds. Two kobolds dart out from the shadows, brandishing their daggers, while more are lurking deeper in the cave. Elara stands at the back of the group, ready to unleash her spells.

Round 1: Elara's Turn

What will Elara do?

  1. Cast Magic Missile at the nearest kobold.
  2. Cast Mage Armor on herself.
  3. Use Fire Bolt cantrip to attack from a distance.

Option 1: Cast Magic Missile

Elara casts Magic Missile, a reliable spell that doesn't require a roll to hit.

Result: Magic Missile creates three glowing darts of magical force. Each dart automatically hits a target of Elara's choice within range (120 feet).

  • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 1 per dart.
    • Elara can direct all three darts at one kobold or split them between the two.

      Result: Each kobold has 5 HP. If Elara directs two or more darts at a kobold, it is likely to be defeated.

Option 2: Cast Mage Armor

Elara casts Mage Armor on herself to boost her defenses.

Result: Elara's AC increases from 12 to 15 for the next 8 hours. This makes her much harder to hit by the kobolds.

  • AC Calculation: 13 + Dexterity modifier (+2) = 15

    Result: With her AC now 15, the kobolds will have a harder time landing a hit.

Option 3: Use Fire Bolt

Elara casts Fire Bolt, a damaging cantrip, at the nearest kobold.

Attack Roll: 1d20 + Intelligence modifier (+3) + Proficiency bonus (+2) = 1d20 + 5

  • If the roll is 12 or higher, Elara hits the kobold.

    • Damage Roll: 1d10 fire damage.

      Result: If the damage roll is 5 or higher, the kobold is defeated. If not, it is badly injured but still standing.

  • If the roll is 11 or lower, Elara misses.

    Result: The Fire Bolt flies past the kobold, hitting the cave wall.

Round 2: Kobolds' Turn

The kobolds, seeing the powerful wizard, decide to target her.

What will the kobolds do?

  1. Attack Elara with their slings.
  2. Rush at Elara with their daggers.

Option 1: Attack with Slings

The kobolds pull out their slings and hurl stones at Elara from a distance.

Kobold's attack roll: 1d20 + 4 (Kobold's Attack Bonus)

  • If the roll is 15 or higher, a kobold hits Elara (assuming Mage Armor was cast; otherwise, AC is 12).

    • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 2 bludgeoning damage per hit.

      Result: Elara takes damage, reducing her HP. If both kobolds hit, Elara could be in trouble.

  • If the roll is 14 or lower, the stone misses Elara or bounces off her magical shield.

    Result: Elara remains unscathed.

Option 2: Rush with Daggers

The kobolds charge at Elara, trying to stab her with their daggers.

Kobold's attack roll: 1d20 + 4

  • If the roll is 15 or higher, a kobold hits Elara (assuming Mage Armor; otherwise, AC is 12).

    • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 2 piercing damage.

      Result: Elara takes damage, which could reduce her HP significantly.

  • If the roll is 14 or lower, the kobold misses.

    Result: Elara dodges the attacks, keeping her focus on her next move.

Round 3: Elara's Turn

Elara needs to make a critical decision to survive the battle and protect her party.

What will Elara do?

  1. Cast Shield as a reaction if she is hit.
  2. Cast Magic Missile again.
  3. Retreat and use Mage Hand to create a distraction.

Option 1: Cast Shield

Elara casts Shield as a reaction if a kobold's attack roll hits her.

Result: Shield adds +5 to Elara's AC until the start of her next turn.

  • New AC Calculation: Base AC (12) + Dexterity modifier (+2) + Shield spell (+5) = 19.

    Result: The kobold's attack may now miss if the attack roll is less than 19, protecting Elara from damage.

Option 2: Cast Magic Missile Again

Elara can cast Magic Missile again to finish off the kobolds.

Result: Just like before, the Magic Missile spell creates three darts of force, automatically hitting the targets.

  • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 1 per dart.

    Result: Elara can use this to finish off the remaining kobolds, likely defeating them and ending the combat.

Option 3: Retreat and Use Mage Hand

Elara retreats, moving away from the kobolds, and uses the Mage Hand cantrip to create a distraction.

Result: Mage Hand can manipulate objects within 30 feet, such as knocking over items or pulling a lever.

  • Distraction: Elara uses Mage Hand to create a noise or disturbance to distract the kobolds, potentially giving her and her party an advantage.

    Result: The kobolds may be distracted, giving Elara and her allies time to regroup or make an escape.


Combat as a wizard in D&D involves more than just swinging a sword—it's about using your spells strategically and managing your limited resources effectively. This choose-your-own-adventure story with Elara showcases the versatility and challenges of playing a wizard, from casting protective spells to unleashing magical attacks. Remember, being a wizard means thinking ahead and using your magic creatively to overcome obstacles and foes alike.

Good luck in your magical adventures, and may your spells always find their mark!

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