Playing A Monk in D&D 5e - Choose Your Own Actions With Kael the Monk! An Intermediate Scenario of D&D Combat

Playing A Monk in D&D 5e - Choose Your Own Actions With Kael the Monk! An Intermediate Scenario of D&D Combat

Welcome to the world of Dungeons & Dragons! If this is your first exposure to Dungeons and Dragons combat, I would suggest you start with our Beginner tutorial about playing fighter, found on our blog page. This experience involves some more complicated elements, and will be more confusing without that fundamental exposure. Either way, enjoy!

Monks are nimble warriors who blend martial arts with supernatural abilities, making them a unique and versatile class in combat. In this choose-your-own-adventure scenario, you’ll guide a level 3 monk named Kael through a one-on-one pit fight against a formidable hobgoblin. This encounter will introduce you to the monk’s key features, including Flurry of Blows and the use of ki points. Ready to test your martial prowess? Let’s jump into the fray!

Meet Kael, the Level 3 Monk

Before we begin, here are Kael’s basic stats, features, and equipment:

  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3)
  • Constitution: 14 (+2)
  • Strength: 12 (+1)
  • Armor Class (AC): 16 (Unarmored Defense: 10 + Dexterity + Wisdom)
  • Hit Points (HP): 21
  • Weapons: Unarmed Strikes (1d4+3 bludgeoning damage), Short Sword (1d6+3 piercing damage)
  • Monk Features:
    • Martial Arts: Kael can use Dexterity instead of Strength for unarmed strikes and monk weapons, and he can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action after using the Attack action.
    • Ki Points: Kael has 3 ki points, which he can spend to fuel various special abilities.
    • Flurry of Blows: After taking the Attack action, Kael can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
    • Patient Defense: Kael can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action.
    • Step of the Wind: Kael can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action.

The Scenario: The Pit Fight

Kael finds himself in a crowded arena, face-to-face with a hulking hobgoblin. The crowd roars as the fight begins, and Kael must rely on his speed, skill, and monk abilities to overcome his powerful opponent.

Round 1: Kael's Turn

What will Kael do?

  1. Attack with the short sword and use Martial Arts to make an unarmed strike.
  2. Attack with the short sword and spend 1 ki point to use Flurry of Blows.
  3. Use Patient Defense to prepare for the hobgoblin’s attack.

Option 1: Attack with Short Sword and Use Martial Arts

Kael draws his short sword and lunges at the hobgoblin, following up with a swift kick.

Attack Roll (Short Sword): 1d20 + Dexterity modifier (+3) + Proficiency bonus (+2) = 1d20 + 5

  • If the total is 18 or higher, Kael hits the hobgoblin (assuming the hobgoblin’s AC is 18).
    • Damage Roll (Short Sword): 1d6 + 3 piercing damage.
  • If the roll is 17 or lower, Kael misses.

Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike (Martial Arts)

Attack Roll (Unarmed Strike): 1d20 + 5

  • If the total is 18 or higher, Kael lands a punch or kick.
    • Damage Roll (Unarmed Strike): 1d4 + 3 bludgeoning damage.
      Result: The hobgoblin takes damage, but the fight is far from over.
  • If the roll is 17 or lower, Kael misses the follow-up strike.
    Result: The hobgoblin dodges the attack, preparing to counter.

Option 2: Attack with Short Sword and Use Flurry of Blows

Kael attacks with his short sword and then spends 1 ki point to unleash a Flurry of Blows.

Attack Roll (Short Sword): 1d20 + 5

  • If the total is 18 or higher, Kael hits the hobgoblin.
    • Damage Roll (Short Sword): 1d6 + 3 piercing damage.

Bonus Action: Flurry of Blows (Two Unarmed Strikes)

Attack Roll (First Unarmed Strike): 1d20 + 5

  • If the total is 18 or higher, Kael lands the first unarmed strike.
    • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 3 bludgeoning damage.

Attack Roll (Second Unarmed Strike): 1d20 + 5

  • If the roll is 18 or higher, Kael lands the second unarmed strike.
    • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 3 bludgeoning damage.
      Result: If all attacks hit, the hobgoblin takes significant damage, but Kael has spent 1 ki point, reducing his available resources.

Option 3: Use Patient Defense

Kael spends 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action, preparing to evade the hobgoblin’s attacks.

Result: Until the start of Kael’s next turn, all attacks against him have disadvantage.

  • Hobgoblin's Attack Rolls: The hobgoblin rolls 1d20 twice for each attack and takes the lower roll.
    Result: The hobgoblin is more likely to miss Kael, allowing him to stay in the fight longer and potentially counterattack on his next turn.

Round 2: Hobgoblin's Turn

The hobgoblin, seeing Kael’s speed and skill, decides to strike back with brute force.

What will the hobgoblin do?

  1. Attack Kael with its longsword.
  2. Use Martial Advantage if Kael is surrounded.

Attack with Longsword

The hobgoblin swings its longsword at Kael.

Hobgoblin's Attack Roll: 1d20 + 3

  • If the roll is 16 or higher, the hobgoblin hits Kael (since Kael’s AC is 16).
    • Damage Roll: 1d8 + 1 slashing damage.
      Result: Kael takes damage, reducing his HP and making the fight more dangerous.
  • If the roll is 15 or lower, the hobgoblin misses.
    Result: Kael dodges the attack, maintaining his position in the fight.

Round 3: Kael's Turn

Kael needs to decide how to handle the hobgoblin, who is still standing strong.

What will Kael do?

  1. Spend 1 ki point to use Step of the Wind and reposition.
  2. Attack with another Flurry of Blows.
  3. Try to knock the hobgoblin prone using a Strength (Athletics) check.

Option 1: Step of the Wind

Kael spends 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action, allowing him to reposition.

Result: Kael can move away from the hobgoblin without provoking an opportunity attack or move quickly to a more advantageous position.

  • Movement: Kael’s speed increases to 50 feet for this turn.
    Result: Kael can use this speed to outmaneuver the hobgoblin and potentially set up for a counterattack.

Option 2: Flurry of Blows Again

Kael attacks with his short sword and spends another ki point to use Flurry of Blows.

Attack Roll (Short Sword): 1d20 + 5

  • If the total is 18 or higher, Kael hits the hobgoblin.
    • Damage Roll (Short Sword): 1d6 + 3 piercing damage.

Bonus Action: Flurry of Blows (Two Unarmed Strikes)

Attack Roll (First Unarmed Strike): 1d20 + 5

  • If the total is 18 or higher, Kael lands the first unarmed strike.
    • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 3 bludgeoning damage.

Attack Roll (Second Unarmed Strike): 1d20 + 5

  • If the total is 18 or higher, Kael lands the second unarmed strike.
    • Damage Roll: 1d4 + 3 bludgeoning damage.
      Result: If all attacks hit, the hobgoblin takes substantial damage, potentially turning the tide in Kael’s favor.

Option 3: Knock the Hobgoblin Prone

Kael attempts to knock the hobgoblin prone by making a Strength (Athletics) check opposed by the hobgoblin’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.

Kael's Strength (Athletics) Check: 1d20 + 1 (Strength modifier) + 2 (Proficiency bonus) = 1d20 + 3

  • If Kael’s check succeeds, the hobgoblin is knocked prone, ending the pit fight with Kael as the victor.
    Result: The hobgoblin is now prone, giving Kael and any allies advantage on attack rolls against it until it stands up.
  • If Kael’s check fails, the hobgoblin remains standing and combat proceeds.
    Result: The hobgoblin resists the attempt and stays on its feet, ready to counterattack.


Combat as a monk in D&D is all about fluid movement, strategic use of ki points, and making the most of your unique abilities. Kael’s battle against the hobgoblin illustrates the versatility of the monk class, from unleashing rapid strikes with Flurry of Blows to outmaneuvering opponents with Step of the Wind. Whether you’re dodging attacks with Patient Defense or delivering a powerful combination of strikes, playing a monk offers a dynamic and engaging combat experience.

May your strikes be swift, your defenses impenetrable, and your ki always at the ready!

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